• 14 reviews
ReqBin HTTP Client
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ReqBin HTTP Client

Unleash the Power of the ReqBin Chrome Extension

It's no secret that the right tools can significantly improve a developer's efficiency. One such tool that has earned accolades from users worldwide is the ReqBin Chrome extension , a top-of-the-line utility for sending HTTP API requests. With an impressive rating of 4.55 out of 5, it is indisputably one of the top chrome extensions in the realm of browser tools.

Outstanding Features of ReqBin Chrome Extension

The ReqBin Chrome extension, a premier utility in the world of Chrome tools, is lauded for its unique capability of allowing developers to send HTTP API requests to localhost and servers on their local network directly from the browser. This feature empowers developers to test and debug their codes swiftly and efficiently.

User Reviews: A Testament to Excellence

One of the best ways to gauge the efficacy of a tool is by looking at user reviews, and the story they tell about ReqBin is overwhelmingly positive. Nikolay Nekrasov described the extension as "Very good", while Charlie Wilson praised its efficiency by stating, "when you cba using curl to test your APIs just use this".

Geena Mak, found the ReqBin site and extension to be "super helpful for testing out pieces of code". Despite facing a minor issue, her review shows an underlying appreciation for the extension's functionality and its potential for customization.

Users like Ricardo and Carlo Chiesa echoed the same sentiment, acknowledging the extension's usefulness in their reviews, with Ricardo describing it as "Muy util!" and Carlo appreciating its ability to "do everything from the browser even towards local addresses".

Addressing the Drawbacks

Like any other tool, ReqBin is not without its minor shortcomings. Some users have reported difficulties while trying to select the ReqBin Chrome Extension as the server node or encountering errors while setting the header. However, these issues do not overshadow the overall functionality and usefulness of the extension, and they further highlight the need for continued development and improvement.

Why ReqBin is Highly Regarded

The ease of use, coupled with its unique capability to make HTTP API requests to localhost and internal servers from the browser, makes ReqBin one of the best browser tools available. It represents a significant leap in the realm of Chrome extensions, particularly those aimed at aiding developers in testing and debugging their code.

From facilitating easy debugging in WordPress (WP Debug) to testing pieces of code for an API like LaMetric TIME, ReqBin is a versatile tool that has proven to be indispensable for many users. It's no wonder that ReqBin has earned such a high rating and such stellar reviews.

Conclusion: A Must-Have Chrome Extension

In conclusion, the ReqBin Chrome Extension is a powerful tool that boosts productivity by providing developers with a user-friendly platform to send HTTP API requests from their browsers. Despite minor setbacks, it stands as one of the top Chrome extensions, earning its place through consistently positive user feedback and a clear demonstration of its utility.

Whether you're an experienced developer or just getting started, the ReqBin Chrome extension is a must-have addition to your suite of browser tools. Explore the impressive capabilities of this highly-rated Chrome extension today and experience firsthand the difference it can make in your workflow!

ReqBin extension simplifies API testing.

Allows sending HTTP requests from browser.

Supports local and server network testing.

ReqBin may have limited API testing features.

Extension functionality depends on browser compatibility.

14 reviews
9 Reviews For This Extension
Paul Manili

Just blocks you after only a couple requests. Useless now.

Paul Manili

Well, since they changed to cloudflare or whatever they did now it just blocks me. All I did was a couplre requests then hit help and blocked. This used to be a great site.

Vincent P

Very useless...

Николай Некрасов

Very good!

Geena Mak

This site and extension were super helpful for testing out pieces of code I was using to try to create a LaMetric TIME app so the school I work for could use our smart clocks as an emergency alarm system, but I've been blocked for some reason that I'm sure is beyond what I understand about coding. The page that tells me I'm blocked from ReqBin says I should email the site owner and include my Cloudflare Ray ID to try to gain access back, but I can't find the owner's details anywhere. Hoping this review will somehow get back to the site owner so I can keep using this site for work! Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a7f6ae86f067fe7


How can I select ReqBin Chrome Extension as the server node at https://reqbin.com ?

Jan Suchomel

I have added extension, set EXT and got this error: ReqBin Chrome Extension Cannot set the header: method With US or DE it works well. What should I do?

Charlie Wilson

when you cba using curl to test your apis just use this

Khachatur Petrosyan

Very useful for quickly testing APIs online

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